Category: Toilet

Choosing a Toilet and a Bidet




Toto toilet and bidet

If you live in the United States, most bathrooms do not have a bidet, but in Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Japan they’re commonplace.  A bidet looks like a toilet but is designed to help you “freshen up” after your toilet use.  It accomplishes this by having jets that spray water for a far superior clean to toilet paper.  Make the most out of your bathroom design or remodel by maybe not choosing between the two but incorporating them both into your new bathroom.  They both can be great looking and extremely functional and can offer cleaner, more open, and comfortable choices for you and your guests. Read More

Plumbtile Products Can Help Businesses Re-Open During COVID-19

COVID-19 has been the top priority for this country for the last several months and it looks like it will continue to be a top propriety for the remainder of the year. It has made us re-think they way we run our businesses.

In the past we took for granted the shopping experience; walking into a store and shopping, eating in restaurants, going to the movies and even using the “facilities” when needed. We saw the signs on the back of the restroom doors showing the last time it was cleaned. Read More

Modernize Your Bathroom

Plumbtile: Porcher Bath

Up until now, bathrooms have had very functional looking toilets, tubs, and faucets. They look nice, yes, but not necessarily classy or modern. It is time to modernize your bathroom! The trend today is to revamp your bathroom; make it have style, grace, and individuality while still maintaining that old-as-time functionality. So what does a bathroom need? Tubs, toilets, faucets, and a little storage space for toiletries, towels, and other bathroom necessities, right? The possibilities are endless when you think about it. So many combinations of colors, textures, and uniquely designed furniture and fixtures offer infinite options when you take into the account the uniqueness of the individual who’s got it in their head to remodel and modernize their bathroom. Check out the following tips and ideas for modernizing your bathroom.  Read More

What Makes A House “Green?”

 Green Products

When people think of green, some may think the color green, and some may think Earth.  Some people just don’t know that when you “Go Green, you will be saving money on bills by cutting back on water, electricity, energy, and even building materials. Another phrase to use besides “Go Green,” is “Eco-friendly,” Read More

Make Your Bathroom Eco-friendly


Eco-friendly products and practices continue to grow around the globe. Applying these green products and practices to your bathroom can be easy and inexpensive.

Plumbtile: Go GreenGoing green not only saves you money by reducing energy and water costs but also help save the environment by reducing consumption. From simple fixes to replacement of fixtures and bathroom furnishings, is here to assist.  Read More

Don’t Overlook Your Toilets When Your Remodel Your Bathroom

Toilets Overlooked

Not much thought is ever put into toilets when remodeling your bathroom. They are often overlooked and you just quickly grab the replacement toilet. Did you know that there are quite a few different toilets to choose from? Plumbtile carries the best toilets in all shapes and sizes for your remodeling projects. These toilets are available in floor mount urinals or wall mounted toilets . We also carry bidets as well as toilet seats if you are just looking to change that out. Read More

Three Quarter Bathroom

Is your family in need of another bathroom, a second or even a third bathroom? This bathroom is all about function over relaxation, the idea is to get in and get out: toilet, sink, and/or shower while keeping it simple. But this doesn’t mean the space has to be plain Jane or ho hum. Adding interesting tile, updated fixtures, a unique mirror or decorative light fixture will spruce up this space.

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