Category: Green

Celebrate Earth Day!

Earth Day

Earth Day has been celebrated since 1970 and has grown in popularity from an environmental movement that only hippies cared about to a global movement to save and clean up the Earth.  Trees are planted, parks are cleaned up, and green is made “cool” for one specific day.  Citizens of the world give up time and energy to help make the Earth a little more beautiful.

Globally the green movement is taking effect and at we are making an effort to offer products that are not only stylish and durable but also green. 

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Go Green With Plumbtile

Native Trails Bath Products

In recent years, green designs have become more popular, not only for buildings, but also for clothes, accessories, houses, and even specific areas in people’s homes. Bathrooms, being one of the logical areas of the house to save energy, in this case, water, has become one of the more popular places to go green. Read More

Turn Your Kitchen Green!

Plumbtile Kitchen Products

How can you create a more environmentally-friendly kitchen? There are many ways, and it’s easy!  Energy-efficient food preparation and cleaning habits, using equipment made from sustainable materials, and dodging toxic chemicals are important if you want to have a truly healthy kitchen. Fortunately, making the right choices for your well-being is also good for the pocket and the planet.  Just try a few of these simple tricks for a healthy and green kitchen:  Read More

Green Resources

Green design is a science, not an art. Some principles apply across the board, but many measures will depend on your home’s age, construction techniques used, building codes, local climate (temperature and humidity) and the land on which your home sits. If you’re going to get serious about green, you’ll want to do a lot of research and eventually some testing. To help you along, we’ve provided this list of recommended resources. Read More

What Makes A House “Green?”

 Green Products

When people think of green, some may think the color green, and some may think Earth.  Some people just don’t know that when you “Go Green, you will be saving money on bills by cutting back on water, electricity, energy, and even building materials. Another phrase to use besides “Go Green,” is “Eco-friendly,” Read More

Make Your Bathroom Eco-friendly


Eco-friendly products and practices continue to grow around the globe. Applying these green products and practices to your bathroom can be easy and inexpensive.

Plumbtile: Go GreenGoing green not only saves you money by reducing energy and water costs but also help save the environment by reducing consumption. From simple fixes to replacement of fixtures and bathroom furnishings, is here to assist.  Read More

Varieties of Eco-Friendly Tile

Cork Wall Tiles

Eco-Friendly Tile

If you are re-modelling or finishing up a new space, no doubt you will be looking for options when it come to tile. Many people are very interested in green or sustainable options for everything they do and there are several very good choices “eco-friendly” choices when it comes to tile. There are many good reasons to choose eco-friendly tile for your application. Among them are the fact that some eco-friendly tile is made from recyclable materials which cuts down on material waste that is shipped to land fills. It also reduces mining of some materials that are used to manufacture conventional tile. And they look great too. So let’s take a look at some of the attractive choices you have for your tiling needs.

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Going Green In Your Home

Go Green

Today the environment plays a dramatic role in design and our daily lives. It’s important to develop good habits and use environmentally friendly solutions for the home. There are so many ways you can create healthy living. Plumbtile offers many products that will help guide you in the right direction. You can choose from  energy-efficient products, food preparation, cleaning habits, and using equipment made from sustainable materials. Here are some simple solutions for a healthy home and green living. Read More

Ways Renovation Can Help Avoid Mold Issues

Fall is upon us . Many are happy while others may be approaching it with dread. Those sad and down trodden are individuals that suffer through a frustrating condition called allergies. While the falling leaves are beautiful and bring an array of beautiful colors to most, it brings these individuals the frustration of sneezing, sickness and so many other discomforts due to mold. For allergy sufferers, making minor changes and renovations to their homes externally and internally is a necessity.

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