Tag: hardwood flooring

Today’s Flooring Options

Tile floor

Today’s flooring options are not only durable in nature but have an elegant touch to their appearance. Choose among the most popular designs early in your remodel. Floor and wall tiles are popular, elegant, and timelessly stylish interior design and decorating materials. Modern floor and wall tile designs offer wonderful ways to add a splash of colors, unique decoration patterns, and interesting textures to home interiors, especially bathrooms, kitchens, mudrooms, and entryways.

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Dangers to Your Floors This Winter

Unfortunately, if you live in a climate where it snows you may be faced with some salt on your roads or sidewalks. Although winter is beautiful, and we have a blast, the use of salt can be harsh on your wood floors. Usually brought in from your shoes which can stain and rot your floors.  And, if you don’t clean the stains quickly enough, they could permanently damage wood floors. Causing you to have to replace your beautiful floors. Now Plumbtile has some great flooring such as our Wow – Briques Handmade Floor.  But if you can save them first you might want to try some of our tips. Read More

Choosing the right laminate flooring

Let’s face it, hardwood flooring looks amazing, but sometimes it’s just too expensive for our own homes. A great alternative is laminated flooring. Laminate flooring goes through a laminated process of several layers. It consists of four components that contribute to its durability and makes it very affordable.

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