Tag: ecofriendly

Celebrate Earth Day!

Earth Day

Earth Day has been celebrated since 1970 and has grown in popularity from an environmental movement that only hippies cared about to a global movement to save and clean up the Earth.  Trees are planted, parks are cleaned up, and green is made “cool” for one specific day.  Citizens of the world give up time and energy to help make the Earth a little more beautiful.

Globally the green movement is taking effect and at Plumbtile.com we are making an effort to offer products that are not only stylish and durable but also green. 

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Remodel, Redesign, Go Green


Redoing a kitchen is the number one renovation project. But what is a green kitchen? Think Remodel, Redesign, Go Green! What goes into a green kitchen remodel? The cornerstones of any green project should include:

  • energy efficiency
  • conservation of natural resources
  • indoor air quality  Read More