Tag: Cleaning ceramic tiles

Cleaning Ceramic Floors

With its durability and visual appeal, it’s no wonder ceramic tile is the material of choice. There are ways to maintain it, and keep it looking its best.

Like everything, consistency is key. Taking a broom or vacuum to the ceramic tile weekly is important simply because any sand or dirt particles can take away the amazing shine that was attractive to begin with. Follow this routine by passing a mop using a solution created from detergent and hot water. Sponge mops are not ideal when cleaning a ceramic tile floor. This type of mop shoves the dirt left behind into the grout and darkens its color. Be sure to constantly change out the water being used to mop so as not to leave a dirty film over the tile. Should film end up on the floor, it can be removed by a soft all-purpose cleaner. Avoid extremely harsh chemical based products. Wherever possible, use homemade products to clean the surface. Read More