Start the New Year with a Bathroom Remodel!

Brizo bath products

There is no question that the bathroom is the most used room in any home. It should be a welcoming room. Fixtures should be functional. The design should be pleasing to the eye. While a remodel can seem daunting, it is doable with the right knowledge. But first, know the questions to ask yourself before starting.

Here are some questions to ask yourself before even beginning the renovation process.

Why remodel? Even though this is a very simple question, it is crucial to the approach you will take when remodeling your bathroom. What can you live with or without? What are deal-breakers when it comes to remodeling? This will help you determine where you want most of your money spent. If your tub is too small and you take baths more, most of the investment should go into a bigger tub. Herbeau offers some of the most interesting and beautiful bathtubs in cast iron and copper. If it’s a lack of space, the efforts should be put into making your bathroom more sufficient for your needs.

What are your needs versus your wants? After figuring out the why behind your renovation, it won’t be difficult to determine your need. However, with everything in life, there will always be wants. When you have determined what your wants are, compare them to your needs. Can these be one and the same? If not, how expensive are your wants? Are they still attainable and affordable after meeting your needs first? After determining what your wants are, if they are not something that can easily be added to your budget, there are always alternatives to explore. Once you decide what you want and need to go price shopping. You can get a bargain online, watch the sales, and check with your contractor to see if he can get a good deal. Brizo has many affordable options to chose from with different styles and finishes.

Brizo Bath Collection

Who will use the bathroom often? This is crucial to the planning of your renovation. It affects the layout plans. It can also affect your storage or fixtures. If there are children living with you, you will need to consider childproofing. If there is an elderly person living in the home, you will have to work accessibility into your fixtures and appliances.

How efficient do you need your bathroom? The real question should be, who wouldn’t want to make their cleaning easier? Today, so many fixtures and appliances available are efficient and easier to clean. Leaky faucets or faulty toilets are a thing of the past. They will minimize grime build up as well as help save you a few bucks on your utility bills. Another thing to consider when making your renovation purchases is material. Smaller tiles can get mold and grime buildup in between the grooves and grout. A more updated and trendy look would be solid slaps or larger tiles.

How long are you willing to allow the renovation to go for? While your bathroom is being renovated, you have to consider whether you can live without it. This is definitely a difficult one when it comes to households with only one bathroom. You will have to set up alternative means for your day to day or learn to work your way around the renovation. Some households decide it best to live elsewhere until the renovations are complete.