Hiring A Contractor


It can be hard to hire a contractor. Not only do you want this individual to do the job correctly, but you also want to make sure that you can get along with them. After all, whether you are renovating your kitchen, bathroom, or whole home, you might see a lot of this individual. When starting your search, there are certain things you need to know about them to make sure they are the right person for the job.

What should you know about your contractor?

Their job history. Knowing their background should definitely be a factor in who you hire. Make sure that they are licensed to work in your state of residence, especially because each state has different rules and guidelines to follow. You will also want to make sure they are hiring legal workers to complete your renovations as well as having liability insurance. Another item to look up is if they have ever been sued, or have ever gone bankrupt. Lastly, search for testimonials from previous customers.

Who is on their payroll? You definitely want to know who your contractor will be working with to get this job done. If they hire subcontractors, they will also need to have the appropriate licensing and liability insurance in place. This is because in some states, even though the contractor hires that individual, the subcontractor is still able to sue the homeowner for unpaid wages. Most importantly, because these individuals are working in your home, it’s best to know who will be coming and going.

Establish dates of completion. It’s always a must to confirm a start and end date. The timeline should always be an item put on the work agreement along with the materials needed. It is also important to determine how progress and issues that arise will be communicated. Include the timeline of obtaining permits to avoid the contractor from prolonging the project longer than it has to be.

Agree on warranties. No contracts should be signed until both parties agree to warranties and what that means for each. There have been situations where contractors will avoid customers until the warranty expires. Be sure to cover all bases to avoid situations like this and other injustices.

Discuss cost. Always make sure that you establish a bottom line with the contractors so that surprise costs don’t pop up. Negotiate costs with the potential contractor so that these kinds of situations can be avoided without having to pay more than expected. It’s always good to compare pricing and make sure that you’re not being taken advantage of.

Agree on work hours. Especially if you’re renovating your kitchen, bathroom, or whole home, you want to make sure that their work hours are accommodating to your needs. After all, you’re paying them to renovate something in your home. It shouldn’t be an extreme inconvenience to you and your family’s privacy.

We hope this blog will help you with your next remodeling project!